
Showing posts from February, 2022

Is UIS Canada a scam? Was I scammed by UIS Canada?

Hi, I want to talk about an immigration company called UIS Canada.  Is UIS Canada a scam? Was I scammed by UIS Canada?  I'm going to address it all. Before I get into the nitty-gritty, I would like to address my absence. This is also connected to the reason I chose to hire UIS Canada . I started this blog because I was inspired to try new things at the time. I wanted to share my experiences and perspectives online. However, life got in the way (as it does sometimes), and most of my writings were 'shoved' into folders on my computer, never to see the light of day. Fast-forward a few years and Covid-19 happens, and I need to make a big decision: do I stay where I am and hope for things to get better? or do I make a drastic change in my life? I decided to make a drastic change - I packed my entire home and moved to Canada. Who is UIS Canada Immigration Consultancy? I came across the UIS Canada website during a simple Google search. I was excited to start a new life somewhere,