Is UIS Canada a scam? Was I scammed by UIS Canada?


I want to talk about an immigration company called UIS Canada. Is UIS Canada a scam? Was I scammed by UIS Canada? I'm going to address it all.

UIS Canada website

Before I get into the nitty-gritty, I would like to address my absence. This is also connected to the reason I chose to hire UIS Canada.

I started this blog because I was inspired to try new things at the time. I wanted to share my experiences and perspectives online. However, life got in the way (as it does sometimes), and most of my writings were 'shoved' into folders on my computer, never to see the light of day.

Fast-forward a few years and Covid-19 happens, and I need to make a big decision: do I stay where I am and hope for things to get better? or do I make a drastic change in my life?

I decided to make a drastic change - I packed my entire home and moved to Canada.

Who is UIS Canada Immigration Consultancy?

I came across the UIS Canada website during a simple Google search. I was excited to start a new life somewhere, and Canada seemed like the perfect destination (I also have some good friends in Alberta).

In my research about immigration companies, I learned that there is a common phenomenon of immigration scams. Even UIS Canada has their own blog post on this topic: Look Out For These Immigration Scams!. Still, I wondered, is UIS Canada a scam?

Going through the website, and later, speaking with their immigration team, this is what I learned about UIS Canada Immigration Consultancy:

UIS Canada Works With Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (or: RCIC's) are authorized immigration and citizenship representatives. Their role is to review your visa application and submit it on your behalf to the Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

I asked for more information about their RCIC's to verify their business relationship. UIS Canada obliged and sent me with their head RCIC license number. I was happy to see that her license number checked out on the RCIC website ✅

UIS Canada Scam Reviews

Before moving forward with UIS Canada, I decided to research UIS Canada reviews. I had to be 100% confident that I can safely hire their immigration services. I was wondering if UIS Canada is a scam even if they work with RCIC professionals.

I searched "is UIS Canada scam" and "UIS Canada reviews". I actually found really good reviews about UIS Canada! There were some negative reviews too. But it filled me with confidence to see that they were responding to every review in a professional manner. They seem to take responsibility for each of their clients and offer different solutions.

UIS Canada Can Help With Many Canadian Visas

Now, I had to know if I had any options of immigrating to Canada. I imagined that the IRCC wouldn't be thrilled to accept a 31 year old jobless woman (because of Covid-19, but still). I had to know if I had any chances of immigrating to Canada at all.

UIS Canada offered me their Visa Evaluation. Turns out that it's an in-depth analysis of ALL the immigration programs and visas I can apply for, based on my personal background, professional qualifications, and educational achievements.

UIS Canada Visa Evaluation

The report was extremely detailed. I was thrilled to find out that I was eligible for several programs, including a work visa! Apparently I met the basic requirements. I was thrilled to start a work visa application, because I could potentially get permanent residency in Canada.

UIS Canada Immigration Consultancy - Conclusion

So, let's circle back to our original questions: is UIS Canada a scam? Was a I scammed by UIS Canada?

Now that it's been several months after receiving my Canadian work visa and completing my application process with UIS Canada, I think that I have enough insight into this company. I decided to compile a pros and cons list to recap my experience with UIS Canada:


πŸ‘ The Visa Evaluation is a great way to discover your options of moving to Canada.

πŸ‘ The process and costs were clear from the start.

πŸ‘ I received a personal account to fill out my information, which means everything I needed was concentrated in one place.

πŸ‘ I had a personal immigration agent to rely on for any question. He also offered me some extra services to help with my settlement in Canada.

πŸ‘ Customer support is always available and courteous.


πŸ‘ŽI learned that hiring an immigration company is a bit expensive. However, to me, if the service is good it's definitely worth it.

πŸ‘ŽUIS Canada's website doesn't offer enough information. I would have liked to learn more about the immigration process for every visa.

πŸ‘ŽThere was one hiccup where my immigration agent said that I needed to pay a government fee that I already paid for. We settled that very quickly.

Do I think that UIS Canada is a Scam?

Following my experience with UIS Canada, I don't think that UIS Canada is a scam. They can definitely improve on some fronts, but the application process was transparent from A to Z; I knew exactly what visa I was applying for, how I was going to apply for this visa, how much this was going to cost, and the possible outcomes of my application.

If you were to ask me, I definitely recommend UIS Canada's immigration services. I think that they have a lot to offer in terms of customer service.

My Tips for Hiring an Immigration Company

If you're thinking about moving to Canada and you want to hire an immigration company, this is my advice to you:

1. Do your research: search for reviews, RCIC registration details, etc.

2. Write down EVERYTHING. Prepare a pen and paper before your consultation. Even better, prepare some questions before the initial phone call.

3. Beware of false promises! Some companies (as I've learned during my research) will promise you a visa. No company can promise you a visa.

I hope this review will help you make an educated decision. Choose a company that has your best interest in mind. In my case, it was UIS Canada who did a wonderful job with my visa application.

If you want to speak with the UIS Canada team, they offer free consultations. You can contact UIS Canada here.


Daena Richards
